“Appreciate Yourself”

“It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.”
Sir Edmund Hillary

“Appreciate yourself and honor your soul.”
Yogi teabag tag

A little known fact: Lord Nelson, England’s most famous naval hero, suffered from bouts of seasickness his entire life. Still, he didn’t let this stop him from destroying Napoleon’s fleet or winning the many other sea battles that made him a legend in his own lifetime. He not only lived with this personal weakness, he overcame it.

Just like Lord Nelson or Sir Hillary, we each have our own personal sea to cross or mountain to climb: Many of us are quietly waging a private war no one else sees: battling against something inside us that we feel is a weakness — a shortcoming that we believe may be holding us back from achieving what we want to achieve and getting where we want to go. Sometimes it feels like a hole inside us that makes pursuing our writing goals seem like an impossible dream.

These self-perceived shortcomings come in all shapes and sizes. We may lack confidence because we were discouraged from writing when we were young. We may fear we don’t have enough talent or training to succeed. Or we may find it difficult to reach out and make connections, so we feel we lack the skill to develop the industry contacts that other people have.

Whatever our personal mountain or sea, let’s take heart by remembering three things:

First, others have struggled with the same challenges and overcome them. If they did it, we can, too. Second, whatever we’re feeling, we can act as if it’s impossible to fail. We become what we do: When our motto is, “Don’t quit, can’t fail,” our sheer persistence will carry us through. And finally let’s embrace the wisdom of the Yogi teabag tag: “Appreciate yourself and honor your soul” — let’s applaud and honor ourselves for our strengths and the courage it takes to keep going, despite our shortcomings. When we’re grateful for our strengths and nourish them, our weaknesses often recede or fade away.

Strengthened and emboldened, let’s all write on!

About karinwritesdangerously

I am a writer and this is a motivational blog designed to help both writers and aspiring writers to push to the next level. Key themes are peak performance, passion, overcoming writing roadblocks, juicing up your creativity, and the joys of writing.
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4 Responses to “Appreciate Yourself”

  1. Joe Owens says:

    Hi Karin. You and another new blogging friend I connected with during the A to Z Challenge seem to have a personal window into my mind. Most of the time the excitement of the possibility of being published is the strongest feeling, but sometimes the doubt and fear asserts its place. I know I will be celebrating the accomplishment soon.

    • Hi Joe,

      Thanks so much for your kind words– they mean so much to me!

      I’m always so happy to know that a KWD post has helped a fellow

      traveler on the writing road. I know you are a champion and a

      success already because you are constantly striving to grow and

      improve your craft and to deepen your understanding of life.

      Bravo and write on,



  2. Patricia Carrigan says:

    Karin dear, You are the very best Writing Buddy I could wish for. You seem to know where I am at any given moment in this momentous, joyful, frightening, wonderful journey of writing. Thank you again and again for looking over my shoulder XO

    • Dear Pat,

      Thank you so very much for your lovely note — it is so

      wonderful to hear that I’ve touched your heart and

      writing soul! I’m so happy to share whatever I feel

      might be helpful to all of us this “joyful, frightening,

      wonderful journey” as you said so beautifully. May

      your words have wings!

      Write on,



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