Steady Progress

“A little bit a lot is better than a lot a little.” This is a saying coined by a caller to Rob Gilbert’s inspiring Success Hotline (973.743.4690).

“A little bit a lot” — I can’t tell you the tremendous mileage I’ve gotten out of these five simple words! In fact, some time ago they motivated me to put myself on a more focused daily schedule and the results have been really transformative. Not only have they helped me with my daily writing, they’re also a constant reminder that writing is cumulative. If you do even a little bit each day, then your words really do begin to add up and you move steadily forward.

I remember the wonderful life coach Martha Beck describing in an article how she wrote her dissertation. She started out simply committing 15 minutes a day to it. That’s right — 15 minutes! Now whether that’s all she wrote each day or she steadily increased the amount, I can’t say. But I do know that her story had a happy ending. Writing every day, she managed to finish her entire dissertation in a year. She’s now a PhD, so her strategy certainly worked!

All this is on my mind because I put had a pretty satisfying writing stint today.
I put in a solid block of time and worked over a small section of my YA novel. There was no huge leap forward, but my story is moving at a steady clip and that’s just fine for now. I took Hemingway’s advice and stopped at a point where things were going well, so getting in gear tomorrow should be no problem.

There was a time when moving ahead just a bit would have been frustrating. But I’ve come to realize that forward motion is forward motion. Sometimes it happens in a great leap and sometimes in “a little bit” — but big or small, it helps build momentum and that’s what carries you over the rough patches. Have you found this big leap-little step pattern holds true in your work? If so, let me know!

About karinwritesdangerously

I am a writer and this is a motivational blog designed to help both writers and aspiring writers to push to the next level. Key themes are peak performance, passion, overcoming writing roadblocks, juicing up your creativity, and the joys of writing.
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1 Response to Steady Progress

  1. Steve says:


    Two years ago I wrote a 191 page novel.

    My method? Tow pages a day, Monday thru Saturday, and the novel was finished in six months.

    Publishable? No — at least not right now. But it proves that “A little bit a lot” works, and that can go for marketing\querying, etc.


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