Talking Shop

Just recently, I had a couple of chances to talk shop with some fellow writers during a couple of leisurely afternoons and evenings. Not only was it fun, it reminded me how energizing and remotivating it can be to share some of what you’re working on with a fellow scribe — someone who really understands what it is to write, rewrite, and then rewrite some more!

Case in point: On a Saturday afternoon that started out rainy but turned into a gorgeously sunny day, my writing buddy and great friend Nancy and I high-tailed it to the Delaware Water Gap for a few hours of kayaking. Fabulous fun! What could be better than lazily drifting down a gentle waterway among green hills and trees and chatting about poetry while also admiring the scenery?

Just skimming along the water in a bright yellow kayak — what a wonderful feeling it was! And making it even more enjoyable: spending time with a friend who shares my love of writing. One the way down to our kayaking adventure, Nancy told me about a great new idea she has for a story that she’s just started on. It was so much fun to hear her describe it and to get excited with her about what the end result might be.

Another case in point: At a leisurely dinner punctuated by a delicious array of tapas which gave us food for thought, I had a chance to chat for a while with a family member from out of town who’s also a writer. We traded updates on the projects we’re working on and shared some encouraging experiences we’d had. I came away feeling energized and even got a tip about a scriptwriting guide called Screenplay by Sid Field. I’m going check it out — it sounds great!

So, if you get the chance to talk shop in relaxing surroundings, be sure to take advantage of it. It’s one of the few things you can indulge yourself in without feeling guilty — so have fun! And write on.

About karinwritesdangerously

I am a writer and this is a motivational blog designed to help both writers and aspiring writers to push to the next level. Key themes are peak performance, passion, overcoming writing roadblocks, juicing up your creativity, and the joys of writing.
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