Stepping Out

“You’ve got to take the initiative and play your game. In a decisive set,
confidence is the difference.”
Chris Evert

“Everything nourishes what is strong already.”
Jane Austen

Wherever you are in your writing life, breaking through to the next level takes time, patience, and commitment. First, you need to keep developing and refining your craft and then, once you have a polished product that you feel proud of, you may find yourself ready step it out and share it as widely as possible.

My friend and writing buddy Priscilla Mainardi has been working steadily on a novel. She’s a member of my critique group and it’s been exciting and satisfying to see her story take shape. Chapter by chapter, we’ve watched it ripen and grow emotionally stronger and more powerful.

After a productive career in health care, Priscilla decided to pursue an MFA in Creative Writing. Along the way, she also began actively seeking out online and print publications and submitting to them. Right now, I’m looking at a colorful copy of Issue 10 of Blue Moon literary & art review, which features one of Priscilla’s stories, “Kayak Tour.” After seeing her wonderful story in draft form, it’s so satisfying to pick up the review and see it in print! This is only one of a number of Priscilla’s stories (including chapters of her novel) that have appeared in well-regarded publications.

What’s encouraging and inspiring about Priscilla’s approach is that she’s steadily and purposefully building a platform she can use as a springboard for publishing her novel. Once she’s finished revising it, she’ll be ready to take the next step — and she’s already begun investigating the agent submission process. With a compelling story, a publishing track record, and a commitment to taking her work to the next level, Priscilla has everything going for her.

Some of us enjoy sharing our work in “open mike” sessions or with friends or trusted members of a writing group — and find great satisfaction in these venues. Others are working toward publishing either traditionally or independently. But whichever path we choose, taking a step-by-step approach and building our credibility can help us cultivate an audience that will value and enjoy our work. Bravo, Priscilla — write on!

About karinwritesdangerously

I am a writer and this is a motivational blog designed to help both writers and aspiring writers to push to the next level. Key themes are peak performance, passion, overcoming writing roadblocks, juicing up your creativity, and the joys of writing.
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