“Rejection Club”

A book chat in a cozy café on a rainy day — what could be better? Martha Moffett — gifted storyteller, poetry lover, and editing ace (https://marthaspencil.com/) — and I got together so she could loan me a fabulous YA novel. Fueled by caffeinated ambrosia and croissants, Martha told me about her “Rejection Club.” “Brilliant!” as the Brits say!

Martha and a few writing buddies were all individually submitting to literary journals and contests, which can be lonely and dispiriting.

Submitting is a “numbers game.” To boost their “output” and take the sting out of their turndowns, this intrepid band of writers decided to start a yearlong competition to see who could rack up the most rejections.

As a first step,” they all pulled out and shared any literary journals they had in order to pool their resources and cast a wider submissions net.

Now, the “Club” meets monthly (over wine and treats, I trust!), trading rejection notes and experiences, and alerting each other to fresh opportunities.

It also shares helpful, hopeful  feedback and celebrates any successes.

At the end of the year, the winner will be suitably feted.

What a winning idea! As Martha described it, the “Club” has:

Lightened up the whole submission-rejection process for everyone;

Motivated her to complete and submit more work more consistently;

Provided more access to more journals and other submissions outlets; and

Encouraged her to polish a cycle of stories for a major competition.

Such a simple strategy — and yet so powerful! It helps put writers where they should be: in the driver’s seat. Maybe clubs will spring up all over. Bravo, Martha — write on!

About karinwritesdangerously

I am a writer and this is a motivational blog designed to help both writers and aspiring writers to push to the next level. Key themes are peak performance, passion, overcoming writing roadblocks, juicing up your creativity, and the joys of writing.
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2 Responses to “Rejection Club”

  1. One of us HAS HAD A STORY ACCEPTED! We met today to celebrate. Our strategy is working!

  2. Hi Martha,

    That’s fantastic — the proof is in the pudding. Bravo to all!

    Write on,

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