Choose Dreaming

“For me, reading was and is a revolutionary act. It expands my mind and gives me the necessary tools for the revolution of my spirit, the revolution of my mind, and the revolution of society …. Choose to read, choose to learn, choose to dream. Bertice Berry, entertainer

Reading as a revolutionary act — what an exciting, uplifting idea — how it elevates the importance of what we do! When we create the stories and plays and poems that people read, we’re giving them nourishing food for the spirit, the mind, and for society itself!

A big job, isn’t it? Let’s ponder for a moment, all the gifts we give our readers when we and they come together in perfect harmony:

We give our readers a chance to learn something new, to satisfy their curiosity, and expand their horizons — to grow and change.

We give our readers the chance to enter new worlds — places and times they’ve never been before, and might never explore without us.

We’re giving them a refuge, a safe haven they can escape to, when times are tough and the world beyond them seems to be closing in.

We give our readers hope. We show them examples of people who’ve conquered the same difficulties and heartbreaks they are facing.

We give our readers strength. We show them that problems and adversities can be overcome, and that they, too, can triumph.

We let our readers know that they are not alone — that there are other people who felt as they do and who understand and care about them.

We give our readers courage and heart — we inspire them to think bigger and to act more boldly — to be themselves with joy and brio.

We give our readers the chance to dream — to dream of who they can become, what they can do, how they can make a difference

All this and more are the gifts we give our readers as writers — and the gifts we give ourselves as well. For we write, not just to be read, but gather all the gifts we give our readers to ourselves as well. Write on!

About karinwritesdangerously

I am a writer and this is a motivational blog designed to help both writers and aspiring writers to push to the next level. Key themes are peak performance, passion, overcoming writing roadblocks, juicing up your creativity, and the joys of writing.
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