Something Wonderful

Wild Nights

Wild nights! Wild nights!

We’re I with thee, 

Wild nights should be

Our luxury!

Futile the winds to a heart in port,–

Done with the compass,

Done with the chart.

Rowing in Eden!

Ah! The sea!

Might I but moor

To-night in thee!

—Emily Dickinson

About karinwritesdangerously

I am a writer and this is a motivational blog designed to help both writers and aspiring writers to push to the next level. Key themes are peak performance, passion, overcoming writing roadblocks, juicing up your creativity, and the joys of writing.
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2 Responses to Something Wonderful

  1. Bing says:

    I asked ChatGPT to compose a poem modeling Emily’s poem, and here is the Artificial Intelligence created one:

    God’s love! God’s love!

    If I could feel,

    God’s love should be

    My heart’s ideal.

    Futile the doubts to a soul at peace,–

    Done with the worry,

    Done with the tease.

    Resting in heaven!

    Ah! The grace!

    Might I but dwell

    Forever in that place!

  2. HI Bing,

    What an inspired idea to use AI to reinvent Emily Dickinson’s poem! I thinbk this AI “poetical creator” must have had a mind of its own! It seems to have written a complete poem, but one that’s far afield from the Divine Emily D’s glorious creation, which is much more concise and beautifully crafted. Thank you for sharing this!

    Write on,

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