Write, Write

The secret to becoming a writer is to write, write, and keep on writing.”
Ken MacLeod

Sounds simple, doesn’t it? And yet a thousand dragons seem to rear their heads to keep us from doing what we need to do: write, write, and keep on writing.Yet, when we do find the time and will to write steadily and serenely, how much we gain! Think about all the benefits that consistent practice offers us:

We boost our confidence: When we make writing a priority, something shifts inside and outside. We begin to believe in ourselves as writers — not so much in our skill, but in our will to create. This builds a sense of the possible. 

We strengthen our commitment muscle: When we keep writing through ups and downs on the page and on the stage of life, we begin to feel better about ourselves. The more we write, the better we feel, and the better we feel, the more we write. A virtuous circle keeps us in the loop.

We learn and improve: The more we write, the better our chances of honing our craft and building our skills. As we keep writing, we keep exploring, discovering, uncovering. We venture into new territory, we play with new forms of expression, we let go of old tropes that aren’t working.

We fall in love again: As we write and learn and grow, our enthusiasm blossoms. We get excited about newfound skills, newly hatched projects, new directions we can veer off into. All this can reignite our passion and remind us of why we started writing in the first place.

Just a small step in the direction of writing steadily can reap big benefits in confidence and skill. So let’s make wordsmithing part of our life in ever-more exciting and inventive ways as we all write on!

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About karinwritesdangerously

I am a writer and this is a motivational blog designed to help both writers and aspiring writers to push to the next level. Key themes are peak performance, passion, overcoming writing roadblocks, juicing up your creativity, and the joys of writing.
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2 Responses to Write, Write

  1. lise says:

    I witnessed a beautiful scene in a garden of writers practicing their skills with one of them leading the group. I cautiously asked them if they had a website. Need I elaborate on my disappointment. NO!. Thankfully, that scene remains etched in my brain cells. X, Lise

  2. Hi Lise,

    Yes, seeing other writers write can be so inspiring! It reminds us that writing is a craft we can practice anywhere and one that rewards our devotion.

    Write on,

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