July 5th

Just as July 4th ended, the idea to create my own Declaration of Independence as a writer occurred to me. Since I missed the boat on the 4th, I’m going to declare July 5 as my own personal Independence Day. As a source of inspiration, the July 4, 1776 version is unbeatable. What could be more compelling than these bold, forthright words, which sparked a revolution and changed the world:

“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.“

Quoting this statement, I was struck by the phrase “unalienable Rights” and in particular, the word “unalienable,” which is variously defined as “incapable of being surrendered or transferred,” “non-negotiable,” and “sacrosanct.” “Sacrosanct” piqued my interest and sent me on another little word chase. I came up with “sacred,” “respected,” “untouchable.” Now that’s food for thought.

What sacred, non-negotiable, untouchable rights do I want to endow myself with as a writer on my personal Independence Day ? Let’s start with these:

I endow myself with the right to believe in my work and its intrinsic value.

I endow myself with the right to honor and nurture my desire to devote the
time needed to pursue my craft and push my writing to the next level.

I endow myself with the right to put my creative writing center stage and to
do whatever it takes to create forward motion each day.

I endow myself with the right to pursue any ideas, tools, training, and experience
that will help me improve my craft.

I endow myself with the right to see myself as part of a long and joyful tradition of
storytellers and myth makers who enrich the world through words.

Well that’s what I came up with. How about you?

About karinwritesdangerously

I am a writer and this is a motivational blog designed to help both writers and aspiring writers to push to the next level. Key themes are peak performance, passion, overcoming writing roadblocks, juicing up your creativity, and the joys of writing.
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6 Responses to July 5th

  1. Janis says:

    I believe you are already well endowed with writing gifts!

    • Hi Janis,

      Thank you so much for your kind words — they mean so much to me!
      I am working every day to improve my craft and to share my gifts.
      Among my many blessings are wonderful, supportive friends like you!

      Write on,

  2. Jacqueline Stearns says:

    Brilliant idea! But back in the day the declaration of independence was not for everyone. African Americans were slaves, and women were viewed as property.

    • Hi Jackie,

      What you say is so true! I like to think that despite all the challenges we face,
      we have made great progress and that independence of mind and right livelihood
      are available to us all. May we all know and cherish the freedom to create!

      Write on,

  3. Jacqueline Stearns says:

    I agree. Like you I am an optimist!

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